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Kogi communities lament environmental woes amid mining company, govt neglect

Okobo and neighboring communities in Kogi State of Nigeria have been facing environmental risks from 11 years of coal mining, despite signing a Community Development Agreement (CDA) with the mining firm envisaged to address the impact of mining operations in the communities…

Coal mining has dissolved heavy metals into the water around the mine site, making it acidic and highly toxic…

“Water is scarce as our only river has become polluted by mining activities upstream. Because the boreholes are not operational, the company uses a tanker truck to supply water, but it doesn’t show up often. When this happens, we fetch the drainage water that flows from an open tap at the administrative yard of the company,” Mrs. Sule said…

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COP27 – What’s the deal with mining and renewable energy? (No, fossil fuels are NOT better)

Which requires more mining — fossil fuels or clean energy?

The short answer to this question is that fossil fuels require much more mining and drilling than clean energy technologies. Today the world mines 8 billion tons of coal every year, whereas the clean energy transition is estimated to require around 3.5 billion tons of minerals in total over the next three decades.

Are electric vehicles (EVs) better for the environment?

Based on today’s average U.S. power grid mix, driving an EV generates greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to an 88-mile-per-gallon (mpg) gasoline-fueled car.

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Canadian mining project in Guatemala opposed in a local vote over environmental concerns

Eighty-nine percent voted “no” to the development of mining activities, like the Cerro Blanco gold and silver open-pit mine owned by Bluestone Resources — a Canadian mining company — in a municipal consultation held last month…

The arsenic liberated in the proposed open-pit mine’s gold extraction process can cause toxic leaching and long-lasting contamination that affects the supply of water for drinking, agriculture, and cattle rearing by local communities… – Click to read more

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Sulawesi islanders grieve land lost to nickel mine

One man described his grief as the grave of his son was exhumed and moved as a result of the mine…

Abdul’s sandals slipped off his feet while walking across the Roko-Roko River. He pointed to an area where children used to swim in water so clear you could see the finest twig sink to the riverbed. Now the water is a muddy brown…

The company has blocked drainage to the sea, so Abdul’s field is often flooded knee-deep when it rains. Sandalwood trees planted by his father decades ago have withered…

Company excavators started work at night, uprooting cacao and nutmeg trees that had sustained their families’ livelihoods…

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Report highlights challenges facing clean water in America

Why are so many of America’s waterways still polluted 50 years after the passage of the Clean Water Act?… Many of our waterways still face major pollution threats – including industrial facilities that continue to release large volumes of toxic substances, threatening the health of people and ecosystems… – Click to read more

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Environment Report Reveals Shocking Outlook For Australia’s Crumbling Land And Wildlife

Every single category except for urban environments has deteriorated since the last report in 2016, including inland water, coasts, air quality, and extreme events, with climate change, mining, pollution, invasive species, and habitat loss all major contributors. – Click to read more