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The Michigan DNR has extended the Public Comment deadline to November 11,
2021, regarding the Application from Great Lakes Exploration Inc., owned by Tom
Quigley, for exclusive mineral rights to “1,609 acres, more or less” (quoted from
the Public Notice) in Holmes and Faithorn townships in Michigan.
You do not have to be a resident of Michigan to register your objection to the
approval of this Application.
After entering your contact information, preceding the letter of objection there is a
space for you to enter your own comments if you would like to do so.
If this application is approved, all landowners will again be subjected to massive
drilling of test holes on State land to determine the viability of sulfide mining.
Let us learn from history: Tom Quigley performed the test drilling on the Aquila
properties, which to this day have not been properly abandoned and sealed,
creating potential contamination sites for underlying water aquifers.
When Mr. Quigley brought in Aquila Resources, they proceeded to sell their stock
to area residents, promising huge profits, financial gains for businesses and
schools, and temporary jobs. They continued to pull millions of dollars out of this
region from residents’ pockets, savings, and retirement accounts. Aquila’s recent
stock price was $.06 (6 cents) a share.
If Great Lakes Exploration, Inc. is granted these mineral leases by the State of
Michigan, will be a precursor of more of the same rhetoric, and history will
repeat itself. It would also open the door to metallic sulfide mining in Michigan.
You can make a difference. We need your help.
Thank you,
Dale Burie
Coalition to SAVE the Menominee River, Inc.